About me – in English

Photo: Kate Gabor
Photo: Kate Gabor

I’m 29 years old, uneducated but curious. A boardgame and stout lover who lives in an apartment in southern Stockholm with my fiancée, I kind of stumbled into journalism in 2011.

At the age of 22, I wrote a series of blog entries on the topic of ”The greatest mysteries of the internet” (which you can read in Swedish here), and thanks to the massive response I promptly discovered that there wasn’t a lot of people in Sweden who wrote about the internet in quite the same way. I jumped between work places, including Swedish public service radio, for a couple of years before I ended up on Metro.

There, I came up with the idea to the fact-checking effort Viralgranskaren (The Viral Investigator, which you can read more about here) and together with co-creators Åsa Larsson and Linnea Jonjons, I was awarded the Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism in 2014 and a few other prizes.

The same fall, I wrote a book about creepypasta that came out as one of the first on the topic internationally. Later, in cooperation with Sveriges radio, I started a podcast partly based on the book. It went on to become one of the most listened-to podcasts in Sweden, with some 100 000 listeners a week. In April of 2018, my second book – on fact-checking rumors, desinformation and hoaxes online – was published. Today, I work as a freelance journalist giving lectures on critical thinking and urban legends on social media, I write columns for the Swedish morning daily Dagens Nyheter, and I’m an often invited media pundit in matters of social media, fact-checking, urban legends and ghost stories.

This is a lecture I held in English in December of 2016, and in fall 2015, I did a Tedx Talk about debunking viral rumors and how it’s much like researching todays urban legends. If you want to, you can see it here:

Well, anyway. Want to get in touch?

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Send me a mail: jack (at) kwasbeb dot se

11 reaktioner till “About me – in English”

  1. Hei Jack Werner!
    Vi møttes i Haparanda. Jeg er lærer ved journalistutdanninga i Bodø. Jeg mente alvor da jeg spurte om du kunne ha lyst til å gjesteforelese for våre journaliststudenter – og det håper jeg du også mente :-) Vi har disktuert saken i kollegiet, og funnet ut at uke 35 (siste uke i august) vil være et godt tidspunkt for å invitere deg til oss. Vi har lyst å “bruke deg” både som forelser for de helt nye studentene som starter i høst, og for en eldre klasse som skal lære om Frilansing og entrepenørskap. Kan du i første omgang svare på om tidspunktet er mulig for deg? Gi meg gjerne epostadressen din, så diskuterer vi øvrige detaljer på mail. Hilsen Hege

    PS – Jeg har også kontakt med SYlvi Liljegren i Tromsø/Troms journalistrlag. Hun vil prøve å samordne en invitasjon, slik at du kan slippe med en reise.

  2. When was this published? for assignment purposes of course, i must be looking in all the wrong places.

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